Hidden Violence: How COVID-19 School Closures Reduced the Reporting of Child Maltreatment





Child maltreatment, Domestic Violence, COVID-19, School closures


This study examines how school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic affected the reporting of child maltreatment in Mexico City. We use a rich panel dataset on incident-level crime reports and victim characteristics and exploit the differential effects between school-age children and older individuals. While financial and mental distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic may result in additional cases of child maltreatment, synthetic control and difference-in-differences estimations document an average reduction in child maltreatment reports of 29% and 30%, respectively, with larger reductions among females and in higher-poverty municipalities. These results highlight the important role education professionals in school settings play in the early detection and reporting of domestic violence against school-age children.


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How to Cite

Hidden Violence: How COVID-19 School Closures Reduced the Reporting of Child Maltreatment. (2020). Latin American Economic Review, 29, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.47872/laer-2020-29-4s

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